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Inter Cars - Help for European garages affected by the floods


The last few days have been extremely difficult for many countries in Central Europe.  In Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Romania, for example, heavy rainfall has caused flooding, affecting not only the inhabitants but also many businesses, including garages and warehouses. In response to these dramatic events - as a leader in the spare parts industry - we decided to join the relief campaigns and offered its support to all the affected garages.

Rapid response to the crisis

The last few days have been extremely difficult for the people in the flooded areas. Some people have lost their belongings and businesses, including those in the automotive industry, are also reporting heavy losses. Several garages and warehouses, both in Poland and in neighbouring countries, have been affected by the floods. We are supporting mechanics in need and bringing them the help they need.

Special shipments have been organised for some areas, including Opole and Lower Silesia, and have already reached those in need. The shipments included difficult dirt removers, thinners, cleaners, protective gloves, work clothes, canisters, tanks and humidity absorbents.

Joint collection for flood victims

As part of its solidarity efforts, the Inter Cars Foundation has also launched a general fundraising campaign to collect donations to help the Inter Cars community in the areas affected by the floods. - We are deeply moved by the situation that has affected not only Poland but also other countries in the region. Many of our partners and colleagues who are now struggling with the floods are people connected to the automotive industry.  That is why we have launched a fundraising campaign to help those in need, says Katarzyna Oleksowicz, member of the Inter Cars Foundation Board.

Inter Cars - support you can count on

Regardless of borders and difficulties, we are ready to support the garages and communities affected by the floods. Immediate assistance and the provision of basic products are essential to enable the automotive industry to recover and rebuild as quickly as possible. In these difficult days, we once again demonstrated that we are a reliable partner that will not leave its customers alone in times of need.

Inter Cars: Together we create, support, deliver - even in difficult times.

How can you help?

Those who wish to support the campaign can make donations to the Inter Cars Foundation account. Contributions can be made in both zloty and euros.


Bank details:


Bank account number: 34 1140 0039 0000 4739 8600 1001
Transfer title: DONATION FLOOD


IBAN: PL 07 1140 0039 0000 4739 8600 1002

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