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Inter Cars among the 50 largest Polish global companies


Inter Cars was awarded by the weekly "Wprost". The Capital Group was included among the 50 largest Polish global companies.
Three men / Trzech mężczyzn
Three men / Trzech mężczyzn
For over 34 years, Inter Cars has been constantly building its position on the market. This is yet another time when the largest Polish media note the company's effectiveness in sales activities, as well as its expansion beyond Polish borders.

– Inter Cars is a European giant in the sale of automotive parts. Last year, the company sold products for passenger cars, trucks and buses worth over PLN 17 billion. The company is present on over 20 European markets, has 247 branches in the country and 384 abroad. He is also a member of the Council of Polish Global Entrepreneurs - writes Szymon Krawiec from "Wprost".

The Council of Polish Global Entrepreneurs (RPPG), mentioned by the authors of the list, was established a few weeks ago and is the first employers' association of this type in Poland. It brings together some of the largest Polish companies whose ambition is to expand internationally and build strong brands not only in Poland, but also abroad. Inter Cars is one of the founding members of RPPG.